Let’s Make 2018 EPIC !



We are about a week into 2018, I hope you have had a great start and I also hope you are excited about the year just as much as I am. If you love planning like I do, then all your goals and targets should already be in place. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do so.

It is a great time to reflect on the steps you took in 2017, specifically around your life and financial goals to make sure that the goals and targets that you set were met. Were you strategies right? 

Why is this important ? Taking a minute to reflect on what worked or didn’t would help set the stage for the year ahead. It’s about taking the lessons you have learnt from the last year and applying them so that you can do better.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you on your goal setting for the year:  

  1. What are your main life and financial goals for 2018? (Be specific and set timelines)
  2. What are you willing to do to ensure you accomplish your top priority goals?
  3. Are your plans realistic?
  4. Are your goals and strategies for 2018 connected to your overall vision?
  5. How do you intend to stay motivated in the course of year and who are your accountability partners to keep you on track?
  6. What do you intend to learn in 2018 about your personal development and money management?
  7. Why and how would 2018 be different from the year before?
  8. How do you want to feel at the end of 2018?
  9. Are your goals integrated? It’s important that all the elements support each other.
  10. Are your goals balanced? Ensure that you have a good balance between spiritual, family, financial, business and learning goals in 2018.
  11. Lastly, evaluate your progress regularly (weekly, monthly) to make sure that you are meeting each timeline set for each goal.

On this note, I would like to wish you a prosperous and an amazing 2018. Thank you for your continued support. Let’s make 2018 EPIC !


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Namaste !

2 Replies to “Let’s Make 2018 EPIC !”

  1. Waoow!!! Thanks for the guidelines on the goal settings. I’m more enlightened. I’m excited about 2018. God bless u Juliet.

  2. Always inspiring. Yes indeed I have made my goals and as you advised Jules I will be evaluating each month. Thanks so much for these articles. Always helpful

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