I came across a question on Quora.com and the answer to this question made me so happy. I find that a lot of women are in the same stead, thinking the same thoughts; wondering why and what the importance of writing a will is.
If you are building assets or building your wealth, It is imperative that you think about estate planning and a will is a foundation estate planning document. Estate planning is the process of anticipating and arranging, during a persons life, for the management and disposal of that person’s estate during the person’s life and after death whilst minimizing gift, estate and income tax.
Someone asked the question ” As a Nigerian, are you going to write a Will? ” and her answer is detailed below. Let me know what your thoughts are….
As a lady/woman, it never crossed my mind that writing a WILL might be important until I witnessed what happened to a colleague.
When he got married, his wife told him she had a land that she bought few years before they got married. She said she didn’t build on it because she had other plans but since they are married they can start the project together. And they did. They built a nice house which they moved into. They also bought a car together.
Few years after, she became very sick. Towards her last days on earth, she had to move in with her family because she needed constant care. Her husband couldnt always be around because of work. When she passed, there was trouble. They all came together to take everything away from her husband. They locked him out of the house, took the car because they believed their daughter bought the land and the car. They did not have any children and they could not bear to see him enjoy her wealth with another woman. The guy fought and did everything he could but there was no Will to support his claim. He lost his wife, his house & his car. Few months after, he lost his job because he couldn’t concentrate anymore at work. He was drained emotionally.
Writing a will is important especially when you start acquiring properties and I think it’s best to start early.
For Will writing services, please send me a mail or leave a message in the comment section and I will be happy to help.